Funny and Weird Word Searches Round 9

Well here we go again.  Round 8 of funny word searches that people have used to find their way to this blog…unedited for typos…just copied and pasted directly from the word searches.  I am particularly partial to the first one listed.

mike evans blob

arab man with camel

mike evans says armagedden in 10 years

brain in the monitor

mike evans death

clots of blood

wintry bedroom window

seizures with blood clots in brain

“how do we begin to make any sense…”

when is it time to move as a pastor?

i pulled my blood clot out

how much radiation is involved in cerebral embolization

effects of communism in romania

pictures of blood clots

welcome back letter to pastor

pastor mike died on 911

pastor mike evans protocol

radiation embolization

good thoughts about death

faithful husband

image of heart being pulled

welcom back liturgies for pastors

who is pastor mike evans?

the angel of death and 9/11by mike evans

michael evans surfer

welcome back pastor scrit

hallelujah one word chorus

die tomorrow plant a tree

most powerful chorus

pastor’s 9 11 ten year anniversary speech

prayer brain avm

washtons national cathedral 9/11 ten year anniversary

mount carmel israel

example of welcoming a pastor back

synopsis photo of brain

dr. michael evans cursed