The Fog is Lifting

I drove home last night in terrible fog.  It was so bad that I couldn’t even see the neon signs of the adult bookstore I pass twice a day.  That was good thing!  This morning it had lifted, as had Mike’s spirits.

Mike slept last night!  He was much perkier this morning when I got here than I have seen him in days.  Occupational therapy went much better this morning, which is good.  Physical therapy went very well!  They get them up right away.  He was walking around the therapy table, with assistance, of course.  Mike does not think this is real walking, but it is the first step to where he wants to be.  He also can grip with his right hand for the first time today, so, it’s only 10:30 and we’ve already had lots of progress!

I’m about to head out for lunch with a friend.  I’m trying to be gone more during the day to see how it goes before I head home.  He is managing just fine.  I can hardly wait to see all the kids!  I’ve missed quite a few things, but they all seem to be understanding.  Jared even talked to me again last night.  I am grateful for all the people who have been taking care of them for us.

Dr. Meyer was in today and actually smiled again.  He was glad to see that Mike was talking well and progressing in therapy.  He keeps reiterating that it is now a waiting game and we need to be patient.  I think that is getting through to Mike.

The following is a verse from the Sovereign Grace CD, Come Weary Saints. I know that you all wish I’d listen to a new CD.  I usually listen to this once while I’m driving, and then I do listen to part of  another one!  This is the last verse from I Have a Shelter.

I have a shelter in the storm when constant winds would break me.  For in my weakness I have learned Your strength will not forsake me.  O Jesus I will hide in You, the One who bears my burdens with hands that cannot fail, You’ll bring me home to heaven.

People keep commenting on how strong I have been through this.  Trust me, I haven’t been, but it has been evident that Jesus has been sheltering me when the constant winds (a.k.a. brain surgery, seizures, blood clots, fevers, blood infections, coding, CPR, more blood clots, open heart surgery) would break me.  I am hoping this lull in the storm will last awhile!

7 thoughts on “The Fog is Lifting”

  1. Karla,

    Jesus has definitely brought the calm to you – you ARE amazing. I’m so happy to here about the progress that Mike is making. (just imagine how much progress you’ll see if you’ve been away for a few days!)

    Keep the faith (as if yours is not there!) God is smiling upon you, Mike and the kids – there is absolutely no doubt about it!


  2. What encouraging words today! So glad to hear of the great progress Mike is making. We miss you both and look forward to when you are BOTH back in Earlham. I miss the “whistling Pastor” at the church office!

    Know that we continue to pray for your whole family and for every fiber in Mike’s being that needs complete healing.

    Lynne & Dale


  3. Mike’s progress is wonderful news! God is good. We’ll continue to pray for Mike to sleep well at night, so he’ll have strength to work hard at therapy.


  4. Dear Mike,
    I am so excited to hear abot progress in therapy. I recommend 1 Corinthians 16:13-14 as your therapy text.

    1 Corinthians 16:13-14 13 Be watchful, stand firm in the faith, act like men, be strong. 14 Let all that you do be done in love.

    This you will remember was famously paraphrased to Ridley as he went off to be bruned.

    “…Be of good comfort master Ridley and play the man…’

    1 Corinthians 16:13-14 13 Be watchful, stand firm in the faith, act like men, be strong. 14 Let all that you do be done in love.

    This is my prayef for you Mike.

    And Karla, we think of you many times a day and sometimes in the middle of the night.

    For Randy and Shirley


  5. Amen! Amen! Amen! and PRAISE THE LORD! We won’t stop praying Karla! He is able. You’re right, “the fog is lifting”! We’re excited to see the progress and pray the Lord continues to astonish the doctors now in recovery!


  6. Dear Mike & Karla,

    You have been n our prayers daily. We are encouraged by news of improvement. We wish we could visit you and encourage you as you have us in the past.
    In addition, please be aware of the great witness this ordeal has created. Everywhere we go people ask about you and are praying for you and your family. Some have you all on prayer chains of friends of friends, co-workers, business owners, etc. We are amazed at how God has provided such a witness even through your suffering and trial. I know you have some sense of this, but it is progressively bigger than we can imagine.
    May God continue to give you strength of body, mind and spirit.

    Dan & Marls


  7. I am reading your blog with great interest. A few days after knee-replacement surgery in 12/06, I was doing my leg exercises. I felt momentarily slightly dizzy, then started to move my Left leg again and it was completely paralyzed—in the blink of an eye! As it turned out, the blood thinner I was on (Lovenox) had caused my heretofore unknown AVM to leak, clot, leak, clot until the clot got big enough to cause a stroke! Thank goodness the AVM was only 2 mm. big. The neurosurgeon said we had to have brain surgery right away because he would need that clot to find the AVM! And so we had brain surgery then more complications,,,,,,,,much like you only not so many severe ones. Just a few severe ones for me!
    I read Karla’s thoughts about understanding suddenly not being able to move. I understand very well, and it is still kind of amazing to me how your body works just fine one second and the next you have this unresponsive appendage.
    I go to Fairview Church south of Stuart. When you get home I will come to see you. Maybe we can start an AVM survivor’s club!
    Best to You and Your Recovery, Barb Kalbach


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